
Upcoming exhibitions in Austin, TX & Mesa, AZ - Opening Next Week!

I'm thrilled to tell you that I have work in 2 different shows this March - which open within a day of each other! Details are below.

As many of you know, "Memory #2" received a Rfotofolio Choice Award, for the INPrint competition last year; this is the related exhibition, which opens at Photo Méthode Gallery in Austin, Texas - this Friday, March 3rd! The artist reception will be on the 17th, and the show goes through the 31st; please see below for more info.


Photo Méthode Gallery is located at 2832 E MLK Jr Blvd #107, Austin, TX 78702

"Undercurrent" will be making its Arizona debut the following day, March 4th - in the Light Sensitive show, at Art Intersection in Mesa, AZ. Light Sensitive celebrates the art of the handmade print and this will be my 3rd year of being part of this juried exhibition. Please see the press release/postcard for all relevant information.


Hope some of you are able to attend these exhibitions! More news to come...


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